I can’t believe it’s already 2017!! The blog has been a little quiet lately, but I promise it’s the sign of good things coming your way! I have so many posts to catch up on, and I decided to start with one of my favorites – behind the scenes!
As I was searching through hundreds of images for this post I was again reminded how much I love this job and how thankful I am for this past year and all the experience and growth it brought with it. It was the year of travel for CLP – from shooting my first international wedding in England, to an anniversary session in Paris, and then across the United States for sessions in Seattle, Washington DC, New Orleans and Disney World!! (Seriously – is this real life?!!) I cannot thank my sweet clients enough for literally making so many of my dreams come true this year and for trusting me with these exciting times in their lives. I love each and every one of you!!
And most importantly, this blog post wouldn’t be possible without my amazingly talented second shooters and assistants. I had the privilege of working with so many incredible people this year – people who love and serve well, who carry the vision of CLP through long days and aching feet, who know how to make me laugh and help me stay hydrated and caffeinated 😉 I am so grateful for each one of you – the chance to know you and work alongside you and to call you friends. Thank you for all that you do!!
Well, I know that most of you are here for some laughs and not my sentimental gushing, so without further ado, let’s go behind the lens for some not so glamorous images of how the magic happens 😉
The year started off with a lot of traveling and checking off some major bucket list items!! After a wedding in St. Louis (feat. my handsome husband/videographer), I was off to Europe to shoot a wedding with one of my favorite second shooters – my little sister!
Every photographer’s worst nightmare – getting locked out of the venue!! Thankfully a sweet old man came to save us!
Little sis looking cute as ever – whether in a window or an English garden!
Dirty windows, happy hearts 😉
Just a little excited about shooting details at an English estate!!
Serious concentration before bridesmaids portraits!
In the cutest English chapel that you ever did see!
Thank you both for laughing at my jokes — or maybe at the face my second shooter is making behind me? 😉
Cheers to completing CLP’s first international wedding! Woo hoo!
Just a casual walk across Abbey Road for some senior pictures at…..
Had to stop for a spot of tea on our way to Paris! 😉
Senior photos at the Arc de Triomphe, and sadly no behind the scenes of the anniversary shoot at the Eiffel since we were shooting at 4am — way too early for some of us 😉
Back to the US and off to Seattle for one of the rainiest and windiest shoots of my life! Big thanks to Howard who let me borrow his rain jacket or I would have been SOAKED!
Pretty excited to be warm and dry for a wedding at the Bell Event Center in Cincinnati!
Logan – such a model!
And she’s got some killer dance moves! 😉
My super power – emitting orange light. Comes in handy at dark receptions!
Love ya Logan!
Loved the architecture in both of these venues!
Little mini-me in the bottom left corner 😉
I promise your bride is coming, Patrick!
Loved working with Joe & Audrey’s Productions for two weddings this year!
Gotta nail the dress shot!
Details – my fav!
Listen up boys!!
Professional dress-holder and shoe fixer 😉
Still mastering my button-the-dress skills!
You know you have a dedicated second shooter when they’re willing to drive 2 hours to shoot with you, while also being pregnant! Katie, you are the best!
Just me in my happy place!
Megan looking like a princess!! Me, not so much!
All about those details! Especially when the bouquet is that gorgeous!!!
I need to do a better job of getting pictures with my second shooters – this cell phone selfie was the best we had!
Can you find Hayley?!
Another wedding, another day of Katie’s awesome dance moves!
Where’s Chloe? Bonus points if you can find Joe & Audrey Productions in there as well 😉
Ashley to the rescue!
Ashley also being a pro at blending in with the bridesmaids.
It’s not everyday you get to see palm trees in a CLP behind the scenes post! DISNEY here we come for the most magical senior portraits!
The not so glamorous part about Disney….trying to not get the Zika virus! This may or may not have been my 5th trip to the bug spray cart that day. I think that guy knew me by name!
Pack mule and gift bag tattoos were all worth it to be at the happiest place on earth!!! (Couldn’t be complete with Starbucks in the picture too! 😉
Another weekend of traveling took me to New Orleans for a fun portrait session! Had to sneak in a selfie with Oak Alley Plantation!
And my first ever BEIGNET! Yep, it was all I dreamed and more.
Did I say my assistants are the best?! They’ll literally scale walls for me!
Mirror mirror on the wall…Leanne is the most wonderful mirror holder of them all!
Clearly I’m being so helpful with hanging the dress…and awkward legs. Great combo!
Not sure what’s happening here, but clearly still not helping with hanging the dress! Oops!
Intruding on bridal portraits – another one of my greatest life skills
Conducting and instructing…I promise I’m not as bossy as I look! 😉
Trying to conduct a choir again…
And showing Katie it was all worth it 😉
Love those large bridal parties! Although Joe does look a little scared of me…
Getting up close and personal with one of my fav couples! Sorry to intrude, guys!
Michelle demonstrating her dress holding skills…
When the groom’s gift is just a little terrifying!
This venue was a dream for shooting details!
Boutonniere lessons and kisses in treehouses!
Just working on those calf muscles!
Michelle the professional veil fluffer!
I spy Chloe!
Taking my job a little too seriously?
Michelle showing off her veil skills again!
There it is – the pure joy and excitement for this job – from carrying the dress to fluffing veils, to witnessing the start of a marriage and celebrating all night long, I don’t take a minute of it for granted. I couldn’t ask for more, and I’m grateful to Jesus for the ability to do what I love and the chance to meet some pretty amazing people along the way 🙂 Much love to all of you – each client, second shooter, assistant, vendor, family member and blog post reader. You each have a special place in my heart, and I am already expectant for all that 2017 has in store! Thank you for being a part of this journey!