WOW! I am so incredibly behind on this post, but since it’s one of my favorites I decided to still post it, even if we’re two months into the new year! haha So without further ado, welcome to a behind the scenes look at Chloe Luka Photography 2017!
Started the year off with my first styled shoot ever in January at Laurel Hall (one of my FAV Indy venues!) I loved getting to know so many talented local vendors, and of course getting to shoot that gorgeous bouquet!
And then before I knew it, wedding season was in full swing! Loved shooting the first two with this girl! Not only did she drive two hours just to shoot with me but she also…
Has become a professional dress fluffer…
Mirror model…
And bouquet holder! What an MVP.
I, on the other hand, am still trying to fit in with the bridesmaids…
Don’t know what to do with my hands…
And blind people with my white legs (seriously, can anyone recommend a good bronzing lotion?!)
All in all it was a great start to the season! We had weddings every weekend in May, but who can complain when you get to shoot receptions like this?!!!
SO beautiful. This was the wedding of my graphic designer, and true to form, she designed her day to perfection!
Isn’t she the cutest?
Clearly not containing my excitement for it all.
The next weekend we were back in Indy with my favorite things – details and a happy bride!
My husband, Tim, gave us all some lessons in posing, and I almost tricked Riley into thinking I was his bride!
Still perfecting my veil fluffing skills!
Dream team workin their magic
This dress has seen me through 3 years of shooting weddings – it deserves its on reward (Thank you Target!)
My two strengths – details & directing 😉
I love that my second shooters love to serve my brides just as much as me. I’ve got such a great team!
Just blending in with the other guests!
Loved shooting at one of Indy’s new venues – The Neidhammer, with my work BFF Ashley!
After a crazy few months of shooting weddings, Tim and I celebrated our 5-year wedding anniversary in Europe, and got to meet up with a past #clpcouple for some anniversary portraits in Paris!
Then back to Indy to shoot at Laurel Hall, which made me feel like I was still in Europe 😉
One of these is not like the others..
Forever & always getting in my second shooters shots!
Several of my brides had donuts at their receptions this year and clearly I am indebted to them.
Brides, be forewarned – I LOVE VEILS. And we will take MANY veil shots! But I’ll let you see my back of camera to ensure that it was all worth it 😉
Introducing Haley: lover of peonies, styling extraordinaire, and my literal right hand woman. She started assisting me this year and I literally don’t know how I ever shot weddings without her!
In her natural habitat, creating flat lay goodness!
Casually trying to steal the bride’s bouquet (I mean who wouldn’t with all those peonies?!!)
Clearly she got her chewing-food-face from me 😉
Have I mentioned shooting details is my FAV??
My audition for Quasimodo….nailed it.
If this wedding photographer thing doesn’t work out, my backup plan is prima ballerina.
Two of the best! These girls bring so much joy and fun to a wedding day and go above and beyond to serve my brides. So thankful for them!
Dreaming of the late night snack: BREADSTICKS!!
Yep. They were everything we dreamed of.
Regions Tower, we love you! We’ll shoot weddings for you anytime!
Always ready for the camera!
If only that were true for all of us…
More of Haley’s super skills – dress hanging…
And dancing!
The student becoming the master!
Heyyyy just me ruining the moment!
Can you find Chloe & Haley?
When your bride is a fairy princess you HAVE to show her how good she looks!!!
Katie reprising her role as professional dress fixer/fluffer
Casually blending in with the guests
More back of camera moments because MY BRIDES ARE BABES.
Everyone loves Ashley! So thankful for her presence on wedding days – she owns her own business and is an incredible photographer, so I count myself lucky when I can get her to shoot with me, and just look at the joy she brings! LOVE HER.
Have I also mentioned that her bag carrying skills are second to none?
And she’s a pro at camouflage. Can’t ask for more!
Oh wait…Jon McLaughlin singing live at the wedding reception? Yep, we’ll take it! (After a teeny tiny freak out moment, because it’s JON.)
Pretty sure this was after he sang ‘So Close’ and I bawled my eyes out. NBD.
Back in my happy place <3
Workin’ for all the wedding cake I plan to eat later…
Kelsey girl! We only got to shoot one wedding together this year, but she is such a joy and does she know how to model the bouquet or what?!
And she’s got dress fluffer on lock 😉
Probably still on a high from all the beautiful details we just shot…
and still cheesin’! Emily and Jason I was clearly obsessed with your wedding day!
Haley, on the other hand…
but forreals, BEST DAY because Emily let me do my favorite VEIL SHOTS!
AND fed us a salmon dinner and gave us monogrammed cookies. Emily, you are an angel <3
Clearly Haley was pretty pumped about the cookies too!
Michelle sneaking out for some bird watching. Caught in the act!
Happy camper face ‘cuz I LOVE MY JOB 🙂
Didn’t quite nail the princess look as good as Kristen 😉
Clearly I’m a captivating speaker!
But Michelle’s limbo skills are way more impressive!
Don’t mind the papirazzi in the corner 😉
Just in case you forgot how much I love my job <3
Ashley to the rescue!
Another possible career – air traffic controlling?
I think my brides have caught on to my love affair with veils <3
But just in case you forgot…YAY VEILS!
And yay for magical gardens…
And gorgeous architecture! The Bell Event Centre is a win/win!
And donuts too?! Christmas came early for this sweet tooth!
It was a so fun to shoot a wedding in my hometown this year! I flew in early for some quality time with the parents and pups and to enjoy Upstate New York in the fall!
Loved being reunited with my girl, Kate! She moved this past year so we weren’t able to shoot as many weddings together – which made me even more thrilled that she was available for this one! Clearly she has spent time honing her skills of dress hanging…
boutonierre pinning…
and groomsman shooting! So thankful for her and her friendship and the serious trooper she was in spite of a super rainy wedding day!
And just like that, we were at our last wedding of the year! My first NYE bride and first wedding shooting in some serious snow and frigid wind chill temps! Luckily, we came prepared…
Thinking about adding expert blanket fort maker to my resume.
As well as personal ear warmers! (Did you notice the official CLP winter jacket dress code?)
100% chance I was singing “LET IT GO” and channeling my inner Elsa.
Haley being awesome per usual:)
Me before donuts v. after donuts
Couldn’t think of a better group to ring in the New Year with! And a fitting way to end the year – doing a job that I love, alongside people that I love! I really could write pages and pages on how grateful I am for the way God has given me this business and enabled a way for me to express the creativity He’s given me, but I’ll keep it short 😉 He is good and I am thankful. And big hugs to each bride who has trusted me with these important memories and moments – you are the BEST (especially when you spoil me with veils & donuts 😉 Much love to everyone who has made it to the end of this post and cheers to 2018 and all that it will hold!